How to create a Freelance Schedule

We’re back with 9 more time management tips this week.

These ones focus more on creating your schedule and sticking to it!

Before we dive in, I want to say, we all work in cycles and seasons. Everything in this world does.

I change up my schedule anywhere from 1-6 times a year, depending on what I’m working on, what’s going on in my personal life, and my capacity to work hard or focus.

Be gentle with yourself and pivot when you’re feeling tension. There’s nothing wrong with changing your schedule, relaxing when others are working, or just not reaching the capacities you have in the past. These things all come and go.

I’ll also point out that I treat each of these “hacks” as tools. I use them when I need them. If I’m feeling overwhelmed or anxious, I use time blocking. If I’m feeling unmotivated and want to prioritize outdoor time, I schedule intuitively. If I’m feeling distracted, I use a Pomodoro timer.

I don’t *always* time block, I don’t *always* schedule intuitively, I don’t *always* mitigate my distractions. I use the tools I need when I need them, and I do my best. I don’t do anything all the time. It’s okay if you don’t, either!

Okay, let’s dive in!

Freelance Friday

Without further ado, here are 9 more time management experiments you can try!

10. Find an accountability buddy.

Find an accountability buddy (or a few) to help you stay on track. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it!

An accountability buddy could be…

11. Minimize distractions.

Distractions waste time and mess with your schedule. Try minimizing them or giving them a designated time in your day.

  • use an app like opal

  • straight up turn off your phone

  • use a pomodoro timer and only look at your distractions when the timer goes off

  • go to a cafe, library, or co-working space and leave your distractions in your car

  • delete social media apps off your phone (if you have an older phone that still works, you can leave it at home and use this one only for social media!)

12. Try setting office hours.

One way to schedule is by setting office hours. Decide when you’ll be working and schedule all of your projects within those times. You can have different times on different days or a set schedule all week.

Promise yourself you won’t work outside those hours. This can make you more efficient and create a better work/life balance.

13. Try time blocking.

Time blocking is when you designate specific “blocks” of time for specific tasks. For example, you might decide you’re going to work on a client’s blog post from 10 am to 12pm. Then, take lunch from 12-12:30pm. After that, you’ll dive into a different project from 1pm-4pm. You get the idea. Google Calendar is great for this.

14. Try intuitive scheduling.

Intuitive scheduling is when you have a to-do list, and you designate a day or a deadline for the task. You don’t choose what time you’ll do it; you show up each day, look at your to-do list, and work on what feels good to you.

For example, maybe you have three deadlines on Friday. On Monday, you can choose whichever one sounds the most exciting and start there. Overall, you know you’ll need to spend two or three days writing this week to meet your deadliines, so just make sure you do that writing before Friday.

15. Try the rule of three.

Most people can’t accomplish more than three major tasks per day. Try scheduling three simple things per day. Maybe you’ll do keyword research for one client, edit a blog post for another, and get your inbox to zero. That’s three tasks you could do in one day.

16. Be flexible.

Understand that some days it’ll take longer to get your work done than others. That seasons come and go and your preferences for time management will change within that. Don’t forget to allow yourself the ability to change your schedule, the tools you use, and how you manage your time. This is YOUR business. Do what you want to do.

17. Give yourself an incentive.

Sometimes, I write out a to-do list on paper and put a gummy bear next to each task. When I complete a task, I get a gummy bear. You could say, if I can get all of my tasks done by noon today, I can go paddleboarding. Maybe you take yourself out to a nice dinner if you complete a project you’ve been procrastinating. You get the idea!

Try This:

Try implementing one of these time management hacks this week! Here are some easy ways to implement them:

  • time block your next week

  • schedule 3 tasks per day for your next workweek

  • get the Opal app

  • delete your social media apps and install them on an old phone instead

  • create office hours