How To: Register your hike!

Although registration is still voluntary, it is a really good thing to do.

Here are 5 reasons why:

  1. It gives the ATC an idea of the traffic on the trail so that they can keep up with maintenance.

  2. Their interactive map will help you plan your first few days on the trail so that you know where you will be sleeping.

  3. It helps you decide what day will be best for you to start. I, personally, did not want to start on a day when 50 other people are also starting...

  4. It let's you pick whether or not you want to do the approach trail and gives you information on where you can pick up your pass.

  5. It informs other hikers of when everyone else is starting so they, too, don't have to start on a day that 50 other people are planning on hiking.

Here's how it works:

Screenshot 2017-11-19 at 8.36.29 PM

Screenshot 2017-11-19 at 8.36.29 PM

You can reach this page by clicking here. You can see how many people are registered to hike on each day in any direction from many starting points:



To register click 'Register your 2018 Hike Now!' There is a fantastic video tutorial as well as written instructions. But, it is relatively self explanatory.

You select your registration type (I am an A.T. Thru-hiker) party size (1) and another menu will pop up below. If this second menu does not pop up, try closing your browser and reopening it as the page times out quickly (this happened to me). Once you've filled out this form it will ask you to create an itinerary. You simply need a starting point and date to register. If you choose, you can supply the ATC with as many dates and points as you would like. I chose to set my points of destination for my first three days. The map will give you mileage and shelters that can be helpful for you to plan with. The registration ends with a few survey questions. Once you've filled out the last survey, you can submit your registration and a copy will be emailed to you. You can see mine below:

AT Itinerary

I strongly suggest that you register your hike in advance! It helps you, other hikers, and the ATC!

Keep Trekking,


Disclaimer: All images and files contained in this post are property of the ATC.