Stop your old freelance money habits

This week on The Guidebook (my podcast! Yes! It’s back!), we talked all about Money Mindset. You can listen here:

This blog is based on that episode but it includes a few things that the podcast didn’t!

Growing up in a capitalist society, everything has contributed to your money mindset.

From marketing and advertising to how your parents handled money to the community that you grew up in, you have been ingrained with cultural and familial ideas of money your entire life.

But how do you untangle all of that to really heal your money mindset?

Freelance Friday

Stop your old money mindset habits in their tracks—remove your negative self-talk. The concepts you’ve internalized about money are no longer helpful. Here’s how to move forward.

1. Ask yourself the right questions.

This workbook is filled with questions you can ask yourself to improve your money mindset. Here are a few you should consider:

  • Growing up, what was your relationship with money?

  • What are your conversations with money like?

  • How do you wish your conversations about money went?

  • Does money solve any issues in your life right now?

  • How can money heal points of stress in your life?

  • How do you feel about asking for money in exchange for your services?

2. Believe.

I know, I know. It sounds cheesy as hell. “Just believe!” Well, that’s not the only thing that’s going to get you to your financial goals. BUT if you don’t believe you can earn $10k+ per month, you never will.

Do whatever you need to do to believe it’s true. Talk to someone who’s already doing it, join a community where people are making these same goals happen. Surround yourself with proof of this possibility. It’ll help it feel more real.

Then, set a goal, a timeline, and create a strategy to get there. Coaching can really help with this if you’re not sure where to start.

3. Do the math.

My coach, Marie from Self Growth Nerds, has a great saying that helps me stay out of my anxious brain when I'm thinking about money. She asks, "Are you doing the math or getting caught up in the drama?"

If you pulled out a piece of paper right now and did the math, you would likely see exactly what steps you need to take next to move through whatever financial situation you're in. But we often get caught up in the drama, the anxiety our brains create, and turn a molehill into a mountain.

Try This:

Here’s a journal prompt for you – answer these questions in your morning pages…

  • How would it feel to step into a more powerful version of yourself?

  • How would stepping up to a more profitable version of your business feel?

  • What would that look like?

  • What does money mindset healing look like to you?